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Nach oben
Fan Ye
He Ning
Pan Panpan
Ling Jie
Li Ya
Han Bing
Yang Yilin
Zhang Nan
Zhou Zhuoru


The overnext Olympics will held in China in 2008. No doubt the goverment will support the sport until 2008 and gymnastics also.

This support and a long tradition in acrobatics makes China to strong contenders in the future.

Here you can watch some mixed pictures of the womensteam who placed 3rd at Worlds 99 held in her home.

Baewm992.jpg (40871 Byte) Liuxianwm991.jpg (41542 Byte)
Bai Chunyue and Liu Xuan.

Dongwm991.JPG (44583 Byte) Dongwm992.JPG (34608 Byte)
Dong Fangxiao.

Mandanwm996.JPG (35538 Byte)
Ling Jie

Mandanwm995.JPG (42496 Byte) mandanwm997.JPG (51079 Byte)
Huang Mandan.

Chinesewm999.JPG (44095 Byte)